What is KSEI AKSes Facility?
KSEI AKSes Facility is an information access facility through internet network provided by KSEI for investor to monitor position and mutation of Securities owned and kept in Sub Securities Account in KSEI where investor is registered as client. KSEI collects no fee either to the Account Holder or investor.
What are the benefits of KSEI AKSes Facility?
The benefits of KSEI AKSes Facility to investor are as follow:
Investor can have real-time access to Securities ownership data and its mutation in Sub Securities Account kept in KSEI system (C-BEST) up to the last 30 days.
It gives easiness to investor to conduct report consolidation of other owned portfolios spread out in several Securities Companies or Custodian Bank.
It improves the trust and sense of security to investor to invest in capital market by opening Sub Securities Account which can be directly monitored by investor himself.
It provides additional information required by investor transparently in Indonesia capital market.
Does KSEI AKSes Facility also provide benefit to Account Holder?
The benefits of KSEI AKSes Facility to Account Holder are as follow:
It provides accountable information in connection with provisions prevailing to investor as the client.
It serves as communication tool in directly delivering and presenting information in form of inquiry or report with accurate data to the clients
It reduces costs of communication, printing, and delivery of report.